Epstein Pearl

What are these white bumps in my infant’s mouth?Fear not, new parents! In the midst of diapers, night feedings, and sleep deprivation, it probably caused your heart to sink when you noticed little white bumps in your baby’s mouth. While it may be alarming to see, it...

Help! I Have A Chipped Tooth! What Do I Do?

If you have a chipped or broken tooth contact Johnston Dental as soon as possible. In life, accidents happen and teeth break, chip and fracture – you don’t need to panic, but you will want to schedule an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible. A small chip in...

TMJ Exercises Relieve Jaw Tension

TMJ RESTING POSITION Tongue touching the roof of your mouth Teeth slightly separated If clenching teeth at night a resting splint may be helpful TMJ ROTATION: Tongue touching the roof of your mouth Open and close mouth, as is comfortable; The movement is to be pain...
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